Na-bua | Thai Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy for Rest & Relaxation

For years many people have viewed enjoying a spa day or having a relaxing massage as a luxury service reserved for the privileged however it has since evolved, it has been scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits and aid in a number of physical and psychological ailments. Sure, lying in a tranquil room in a relaxed atmosphere, listening to the sounds of the earth, on a massage table with the lights dimmed and the essence of essential oils piercing through the warm air sounds like the perfect way to end the day on a good note, however, the purpose of massages is not just for relaxation. It carries many medicinal benefits too. The practice of using touch as a healing method derives from customs and techniques rooted in ancient history.

Eastern and Western Civilizations found that massages could heal injuries, relieve pain, reduce stress, improve your mood, improve your range of movement, prevent and cure illnesses. Massages can even improve your blood circulation which promotes the release of the built-up toxins in your body causing numerous health problems.

That being said how often do you feel run down, sick and exhausted? If your life is as hectic as the average working man, woman, father or mother then I’m guessing A LOT and I don’t blame you adulting is an extreme sport. This is a very real aspect of our lives yet only some of us tend to it, after
months and months of caring for all your loved ones, handling all your responsibilities and trying to be present in every moment it is crucial that you hit pause and take care of yourself. It is impossible for you to be the best version of yourself without doing so.

Na-Bua specialises in Traditional Thai Massage which is an ancient Ayurvedic technique derived from Indian practices of Yoga, in essence, it is a manipulative form of yoga that is different from what most in the West regard as massage because it is administered on a comfortable mat on the floor or our specially designed wooden, raised beds. Both the recipient and practitioner wear loose clothing. The body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked in order to clear energy blockages and relieve tension. The practitioner uses thumbs, palms, forearms, elbows, knees and feet to open joints, stretch muscles and tendons, tone internal organs and balance energy. Sessions usually last between 0.5 and 3 hours and can be relaxing, energising & therapeutic.

Our Thai Therapist all hail from a modest rice farming village in Khon Kaen where they cook by fire, tend their land and most importantly care and provide for one another by trading catches of the day for fruits and vegetables or giving one another Thai Massages after a hard day of working in the blistering heat on the farm. All our therapist have grown up with this form of healing and care and upon coming of age then travelled to Bangkok City to study both Eastern & Western styled massage in order to develop their talents. Their understanding of the body and work ethic is
unprecedented which is what makes them so unique and special, each therapist has her own style of massage and incorporates the principles and teachings of Thai Massage into all our massage therapy treatments to guarantee the best quality massage for our patrons.

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